Monday, September 17, 2012

Curled natural eyes ♥

Today I was walking near our school, and I saw a girl
with ton of make up. It looked horrible
This is why I'm writing about how to make looking natural curled lashes =)

1. Take any brush for lashes and brush them

2. Then, curl

3. Take mascara and apply 1 layer. Even apply it to tips of lashes.

And there you have a very beautiful natural lashes:

Love you

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fruits for breakfast ♥

Today is Sunday, and it's sunny there =)
I decided to make something tasty and healthy for breakfast.
Btw it is sugar-free 
And for my mind came salad from fruits.
It's made from 1 banana, 1 plum, 2 figs and some grapes.
I just chopped everything, mixed, and it's done:

Love you 
Thanks for sharing

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Black Eyes :D †

Ummm..So I needed to make a picture for profile :D
And I decided to copy my old "look":
So here is my new look:

Like it? Let me know what do you think :)

Love you
Thanks for sharing so much =)